Friday, July 1, 2011


Today there was a pizza party at my job.  Pizza is my favorite.  I could not resist it, so I didn't but I did not have to eat 5 pieces...  Now I am sitting here feeling all down on myself!  I don't feel like I want to give up totally and go all out on a eating binge but I am feeling bad about it all. 

All day I have been reading this blog that I follow on face book called, "A Black Girl's Guide to Weight Loss".  If I knew how to link it I would.  Sorry no man's land (my blog).  Anyways, this blog is SO positive and today I read learning from my mistakes.  I remember being really hungry unprepared today.  I did not pack a lunch therefore when I heard about the pizza I was set on it.  Then the pizza altered my ability to just eat one.  Also, I been feeling like maybe the cold turkey is a bit too restrictive and unrealistic for me.  I been thinking all day (after reading this blog) that I need to try another approach. First this I need to do is mental and emotional.  I figure out how to focus on being healthy rather than losing weight to be more desirable and attractive to men.  I don't really know how to change my mind set but I know that I want to.  It has everything to do with self love and value.  I don't have that and I don't know how to get it.  I been working on it in therapy but still have not had any luck.  Well until I can learn to want to become a healthier me I think I will continue to fake it and just keep struggling until I get it right or die trying...

1 comment:

  1. Just take it one day at a time and learn how to forgive yourself. Bring some snacks to work and keep them in your desk: nuts, healthy bars, etc. I'm a teacher and I have to deal with a vending machine and trash left in the lounge. From what I have learned for the past three years, teachers like to eat. So, for me that means I have to be ready. If we have a potluck or something, I still bring my lunch and opt for the more healthier options. However, like you, pizza is my kryptonite too! So, one thing I try to do is eat some salad or fruit if they have it or drink plenty of water. Weight loss is a work in progress!
